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About Us

The SLC apiary at sunset.

We’re a small family-run honey business based in the Avenues neighborhood of Salt Lake City. Most of our hives are here, and we have some additional hives located in rural Neola, Utah.

Our bees gather pollen and nectar from a wide range of plants over the course of the year, and what they’ve gathered determines the flavor of the honey they make. We harvest often, in small batches, to capture the flavors as they change with the seasons.

Pollinators of all kinds are incredibly important. We keep tabs on our own hives to make sure they stay healthy, which helps other local populations of honeybees stay healthy as well. We maintain a garden full of diverse plants to help provide resources for other species of pollinators.

Our beekeeper, Jes, started beekeeping in 2017. Her beekeeping interests include queen rearing, trying new hive types, apiary sustainability, medicinal uses of bee products, and small-batch honey. In the fall of 2021, Jes completed the Journeyman beekeeping course in the University of Montana’s Master Beekeeper program. Jes is a member of the Wasatch Beekeepers Association and the Utah Beekeepers’ Association, and is registered as a beekeeper through the Utah Department of Agriculture.